The Eclipse Came and Went. Now, we wait…

After a whole lot of hype, personal and otherwise, the April 8th Total Eclipse was a total eclipse of morale for myself as well as hundreds of others hoping to watch it from Canandaigua, New York. The cloud cover never broke, so all we witnessed was 3 minutes of darkness other than the cool effect of a 360 degree “sunset” effect around the horizon, showing where the Sun was still shining outside the path of totality. Whoopity-do.

Bummed out was hardly the word.

At least I saw the one in 2017. I felt especially sorry for those who traveled a significant distance to the area only to be disappointed.

But c’est la vie.

So now, we wait.

For what, you ask?

The next eclipse?


To see how much this cosmic sign in the heavens lives up to expectations astrologically.

Yes, I’m serious. Now the fun begins. It can take hours, days, weeks, or even months for the effects to show up, but they surely will. Think back to 2017. That total eclipse’s path of visibility from coast to coast prognosticated a country divided. I doubt anyone would argue that came about.

The heavens don’t lie. So what will this one bring?

Time will tell.

So far the lunar eclipse on March 25th has come through already. Less than 24 hours after it occurred, on March 26th at 1:29 a.m. the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapsed upon being struck by container ship, Dali, flagged out of Singapore.

In that chapter of my book, “The Dark Side of Eclipses: Do the Heavens Still Issue Warnings of Things to Come?” I mentioned a potential attack on infrastructure with foreign influence involved. Now, with 20:20 hindsight there’s even more.

Find out the specifics by tuning into Fresh Ink Group’s “Voice of Indie” podcast on April 17, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Join us here.

I’ll explain what factors indicate why Baltimore was targeted, why predictions are so difficult, plus what astrology tells us that news media doesn’t. Comments and questions are always welcome during the live podcast with a recording available after the fact.

Mark your calendar, April 17, 8:00 pm EDT.

See you then.