“Blood Money” by Peter Schweizer

This book needs to go viral. The survival of the United States depends on it. The ugly truth is revealed masterfully through Schweizer’s gold standard of investigative journalism. He has put together an amazing expose of corruption that involves not only how China is trying to undermine our country, culture, and democracy, but the public figures who are not only allowing, but facilitating it, then denying it entirely as they profit financially.

I hope he has a good security team.

The book is divided into four sections based on four principles found in the Chinese book of war. To western minds, these may not make sense until the author points out how these are being executed to our detriment.

1. Murder with a Borrowed Knife (Blame someone else for your crimes.)

The example presented involves the flood of fentanyl coming across the U.S. Mexican Border. While it appears Mexico is the perpetrator, in reality it’s China in cahoots with drug cartels. Not only do they supply all raw materials, manufacturing facilities are staffed by Chinese with pill counterfeiting machines imported as well.
Fentanyl is not sold with a warning label. In most cases, it’s included in fake pharmaceuticals labeled as oxycodone or some other opiate. Many victims of fentanyl had no idea they were not ingesting what the pill was supposed to contain.

In rare cases where China has been confronted, their response points the finger back at the victims. In other words, they’re running a business for profit. As long as there are customers they’ll provide a supply. They also state that the users are the product of a country with crumbling values. Of course there’s some truth to that statement, but China is doing everything possible to contribute to moral decay as well.

But what is being done about the drug crisis? Especially when the powers that be don’t acknowledge there’s a problem? The open border is allowing criminal elements such as drug and human traffickers an heyday of opportunity.

2. Watch a Fire from Across the River (Set your enemy’s business on fire, then sit back to watch the chaos.)

The Chinese government is arming criminals by providing their version of assault rifles. In addition, they sell devices that can convert a pistol into a machine gun. These are typically only available for law enforcement or others who go through a qualification process and licensing. The Chinese, however, sell these lethal devices openly online.

This in turn foments crime and social chaos. When mass shootings occur and the crime rate spikes, they laugh as they watch the U.S. deteriorate. This is an undeclared war where they are overtly subverting and sabotaging our country and way of life. The entire point is to weaken us to the point the country collapses, making us an easy mark.

Guess who helped finance those violent protests a few years ago. Yup, China involved there as well. Did you realize those protesters were paid?

3. Hide a Dagger in a Smile  (Your victim won’t suspect you’re out to kill him if you’re friendly or make him laugh.)

This is particularly insidious since it’s aimed at America’s youth. The app TikTok is not only a surveillance device which is banned on government issued cell phones, but is designed to dumb down our youth. The feeds are individualized and outside the control of users. They cannot choose whom to follow, etc., it’s decided for them by a treacherous secret algorithm. It’s designed to be addictive and to influence kids’ minds so their attention span is limited. It’s also constant entertainment, making more serious subjects not only less fun and uninteresting, but painful.

The Chinese government does not allow their children to use TikTok. Let that sink in. They have a different app that is educational and encourages interest in higher education. They also are not allowed to be on the app for as long as they want since it has automatic timers built in.

While Chinese school children are learning calculus, social graces, and history, ours are being dumbed down to say nothing of imbued with propaganda with subtle slams that mock our culture and way of life. They paint a pretty picture of the CCP’s version of socialism and take every opportunity to demean a democratic government. The U.S. is definitely a target rich environment, thanks to years of ongoing corruption and corporatism.

There’s also the matter of video games. These, too are designed to be addictive and keep our youth from more worthy pursuits. The plots and characters are often geared to make these same points regarding Western Culture and government weaknesses.

China has invested heavily in Hollywood and thus has a say in movie scripts. And this say hails directly from CCP operatives.  The author provides detailed examples of all these insidious practices as well as pointing out those benefiting financially.

4. Loot a Burning House  (Set a house on fire, then steal what you can before it burns down.)

This example relates to COVID. Details are provided regarding the “lab leak” cover-up versus the bogus “naturally evolving” theory. The deep involvement of U.S. researchers with those in Wuhan had other Americans covering for them because they were profiting directly. Within the ranks, there was some fear of losing funding.

As if it’s not bad enough that millions died from the corona virus genetically engineered to be more lethal, they further contributed by promoting ineffective as best/deadly at worst protocols. They were well aware that ventilators exacerbated the symptoms, yet sold us as many as we’d take.

When COVID was raging in China, many countries donated masks and other medical supplies to help them through the crisis. When the tables turned, they were selling the supplies to their victims, many of which were of such low quality that they were never used.

During the “plandemic” I definitely thought it incredulous we were buying supplies from a country that was not only a known enemy who started the pandemic plus were clearly out to kill us.

Their presence online included hostile bots and trolls operated by the CCP military to debunk any truth posted on apps like Twitter and Facebook. Thousands of fake accounts were identified and closed, but how much damage did they do suppressing the truth?

Years ago I was appalled we were borrowing trillions of dollars from China. Countries like that are patient with their conquests. They have an ultimate goal and timeline, but their strategic plans cover decades, even centuries. In the U.S. projects run from election to election, based on the preferences of the ruling party, their supporters, and who will profit. The good of the people is seldom a consideration, which is one of China’s greatest criticisms of capitalism.

China has never stopped being our enemy or abandoned their objective to take possession of American land and resources. When Congress tried to pass a bipartisan bill to forbid China from buying farmland in the U.S., Biden vetoed it.

Sadly, our leaders refuse to acknowledge there’s a threat, much less put up any resistance that might jeopardize their financial interests.

What’s wrong with this picture? And why do Americans as a whole put up with it?

One of the most impressive parts of this book is the fact that a full third of its content (about 100 pages) comprises notes of the sources for the information therein. The content is not simply the author’s opinion, but documented fact. The index is also useful for zeroing in on specific issues or individuals.

I highly recommend you get a copy of this book, read it, and share it far and wide. If nothing is done to change this (and it may already be too late) our children and grandchildren are likely to be speaking Chinese.

You can get a copy from this affiliate link to Amazon here.