Final Book in Science Fiction Series Due March 4


This hard sci-fi series delivers a bonus, a palatable taste of real science. Its physicist author, who has over 20 years NASA experience, demonstrates that science and engineering are not only exciting but essential to maintain a viable lifestyle.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00004]Author, Marcha Fox, credits science fiction with inspiring her to obtain a physics degree and pursue a career at NASA, something she hopes to do for today’s readers. The Star Trails Tetralogy series was written to that end, to encourage youth in the junior and senior high school range to pursue studies in space exploration, math, engineering and science.

The previous three novels in this hard science fiction adventure series have received rave reviews with this one following in their footsteps with pre-release praise from authors such as Ceri London, Elle Klass and John Reinhard Dizon.

The fourth and final volume entitled “Refractions of Frozen Time,” will be officially released March 4, 2015 via ( and Smashwords (

A stickler for detail, Fox’s pet peeve remains scientific inaccuracies in media such as movies which depict noisy explosions in outerspace.

“Years ago I saw the movie ‘Armageddon’ with a friend who was in the oil business. Between the two of us we ripped it apart. My daughter told us to lighten up, it was only a movie, but all I could think of was that young viewers would take it as fact and how hard would it be for the producers to be more accurate? One of the reasons I got a bachelor’s degree in physics was so my stories would be based on fact and teach correct scientific principles that wouldn’t have to be unlearned later.”

The series chronicles a family who loses everything on one planet and is forced into survival mode on another amid hostile weather extremes and political forces. The stories incorporate the excitement of space travel and exploration with family dynamics, self-sufficiency and dealing with difficult circumstances, themes not unlike what some families face today in an unstable economy and topsy-turvy environment.

Previous books in the series entitled “Beyond the Hidden Sky,” “A Dark of Endless Days,” and “A Psilent Place Below” as well as new release, “Refractions of Frozen Time,” can be found in electronic and print copy format through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and most online retailers. For wholesale or bulk orders as well as regarding school, library and quantity discounts, contact the publisher at Visit the series website for additional information about the books, their setting, a glossary of terms and definitions, and a section for parents and educators who wish to use the books as a means to launch scientific discussions.


Amazon Link to STAR TRAILS TETRALOGY (All books):

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Series Website:


Science Fiction, YA Sci-fi, Star Trails Tetralogy, Marcha Fox, educational sci-fi, sci-fi series, Brightstar Saga



Kalliope Rising Press

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Burnet, TX 78611


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Marcha Fox
