Day 7 of the 1/2-Acre Challenge


I’m happy to report that so far for an entire week I have spent at least two hours a day working in my yard. The progress so far is not that dramatic, but I hope the cumulative effect will be. Yesterday I went to Home Depot and picked up some plants, one of which is pictured above on the far right.  Can you guess what it is?  Gizmo, my feral cat, provides a hint with her disgruntled expression.

Right, it’s cat mint and the plant closest to her is catnip. If I didn’t have the protection around it, by tomorrow it would be gone with numerous very happy cats lazing around the yard in an inebriated state. Gizmo, of course, does not agree with my decision, much as children protest when their parents ration Easter or Halloween candy.

Don’t worry, she’ll get her share, as will my indoor cats, who are regular “nipheads”, a term coined by fellow blogger, Jeanne Foguth, in her series, “The Sea Purr-tector Files”, which stars my favorite feline 007, Xander de Hunter. If you’re a cat fancier looking for a fun read, check out volume one here on Amazon! You can start the series for free with the prequel, “Latitudes and Cattitudes.”

Tomorrow I’ll continue my quest and provide another update when I do something interesting enough to report.


13 thoughts on “Day 7 of the 1/2-Acre Challenge

    • Thanks! She a sweet feral who took up residence here when she was a kitten, wound up having a litter herself in my garage in 2012, and has hung around ever since. Fortunately there’s a wonderful veterinarian in the area who does very reasonable TNR (trap-neuter-return) for ferals so I was able to get her and her daughters fixed. Her daughters are friendly enough they let me pet them but Gizmo just likes to watch. If I try to pet her when she’s eating, she walks away. Maybe someday she’ll let me.

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  1. Pingback: Day 7 of the 1/2-Acre Challenge — Marcha’s Two-Cents Worth | Jeanne Foguth's Blog

  2. I’m thinking that Gizmo’s nose is telling him/her that is catnip, which s/he can’t get to…. You’re right, that poor cat looks quite disgruntled.

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