Undercover Killers: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers in Food, Cosmetics, and Daily Living compiled by Skyler Chambers

I am so proud of my grandson for the research he compiled in this must-have guide! Most of us are already aware that processed food generally is not healthy. Additives, fake colors, and preservatives along with questionable processing not only compromise the nutrients, but can actually be toxic. Artificial sweeteners are a huge culprit along with anything labeled “Low Fat.”

Many chemicals commonly found in our food are outlawed in other countries. This doesn’t speak well for our FDA, who’s more concerned with taking money from corporations than our health. The greatest part about this compilation is that it tells you the side effects associated with these chemicals, demonstrating why they’re unhealthy. All of this is based on volumes of research that’s referenced throughout with  hyperlinks.

Besides food, cosmetics and various other items such as deodorants, toothpaste, and laundry detergent are also covered. Numerous recipes are included so you can make your own healthy alternatives for several items, plus save money.

Learn how these industries are slowly poisoning us while masquerading as healthy or essential. Believe me when I say that fluoride is only the tip of the iceberg. “Undercover Killers” puts a wealth of information at your fingertips so you can make informed choices on items that can compromise your health and well being.

Be sure to get your copy today in Kindle or paperback on Amazon here.

P.S. Many thanks to my fellow author, Dawn Greenfield, owner of Artistic Origins, who added the finishing touches. She not only formatted the interior but made it more readable with her editing skills. She included reference tables as well as a section for recipes, so you don’t have to dig through the entire book looking for them later. If you need similar help with a project, you can contact her at dawn@DEGreenfield.com or visit her website. If you’re looking for a good read in just about any genre from cozy mystery to steamy shapeshifters, check out her books, which are among my favorites.

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