Today’s Writing Tip

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Newsletters are one of the best ways to connect with your readers and fans directly. There’s no panacea in marketing, but this is one way that comes highly recommended. One way to add interest to them is to include games and contests. This helps retain subscribers, if they enjoy what you send out. If it’s a fun and interesting read, they’re more likely to open it and think of you in a positive way.

Sales pitches eventually fall on deaf ears. Even if you write newsletters worthy of a Pulitzer Prize, you’re unlikely to have a 100% open rate, at least if your subscriber list includes more people than your mother and Aunt Bessie. One author newsletter comes to mind that goes directly to my spam folder without even touching my inbox. All it ever includes is a big, glaring, full-color picture of the cover of her one and only book, followed by all the reasons you should read it.

Ho-hum, I don’t think so.

Study the newsletters you like to receive and actually enjoy reading for content ideas. Keep hawking your book to a minimum. Connecting at a personal level with your fans is your best bet.